Java11环境下项目启动时报错:java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 4
<property name="dynamic.classpath" value="true" />三、原因
private static String normalize(StringBuilder sb, String path, int off) { int len = path.length(); off = nextNonSlash(path, off, len); int start = off; char lastC = 0; while (off < len) { char c = path.charAt(off); if (isSlash(c)) { if (lastC == ' ') throw new InvalidPathException(path, "Trailing char <" + lastC + ">", off - 1); sb.append(path, start, off); off = nextNonSlash(path, off, len); if (off != len) //no slash at the end of normalized path sb.append('\\'); start = off; } else { if (isInvalidPathChar(c)) throw new InvalidPathException(path, "Illegal char <" + c + ">", off); lastC = c; off++; } } if (start != off) { if (lastC == ' ') throw new InvalidPathException(path, "Trailing char <" + lastC + ">", off - 1); sb.append(path, start, off); } return sb.toString();}上述normalize方法代码块中line19会停止一次判断,若满足条件,抛出InvalidPathException异常,其判断条件isInvalidPathChar方法源码如下:
private static final String reservedChars = "<>:\"|?*";private static final boolean isInvalidPathChar(char ch) { return ch < '\u0020' || reservedChars.indexOf(ch) != -1;}isInvalidPathChar方法会判断字符是否小于Unicode空格'\u0020',并且是否是<>:\"|?*中的字符。
途径以"file:/”开头,看上去像文件传输协议,但协议应该为“file://"是双斜杠,"file:/”是什么呢?url - What is the difference between file:/, file://, file:/// - Stack Overflow StackOverflow中高赞回答称"file:/“是无效的,但将上述途径复制到windows文件管理器中可以正常访问,可能因为Windows兼容性太好?
private static Result parse(String input, boolean requireToNormalize) { String root = ""; WindowsPathType type = null; int len = input.length(); int off = 0; if (len > 1) { char c0 = input.charAt(0); char c1 = input.charAt(1); char c = 0; int next = 2; if (isSlash(c0) && isSlash(c1)) { // UNC: We keep the first two slash, collapse all the // following, then take the hostname and 分享 name out, // meanwhile collapsing all the redundant slashes. type = WindowsPathType.UNC; off = nextNonSlash(input, next, len); next = nextSlash(input, off, len); if (off == next) throw new InvalidPathException(input, "UNC path is missing hostname"); String host = input.substring(off, next); //host off = nextNonSlash(input, next, len); next = nextSlash(input, off, len); if (off == next) throw new InvalidPathException(input, "UNC path is missing 分享name"); root = "\\\\" + host + "\\" + input.substring(off, next) + "\\"; off = next; } else { if (isLetter(c0) && c1 == ':') { char c2; if (len > 2 && isSlash(c2 = input.charAt(2))) { // avoid concatenation when root is "D:\" if (c2 == '\\') { root = input.substring(0, 3); } else { root = input.substring(0, 2) + '\\'; } off = 3; type = WindowsPathType.ABSOLUTE; } else { root = input.substring(0, 2); off = 2; type = WindowsPathType.DRIVE_RELATIVE; } } } } if (off == 0) { if (len > 0 && isSlash(input.charAt(0))) { type = WindowsPathType.DIRECTORY_RELATIVE; root = "\\"; } else { type = WindowsPathType.RELATIVE; } } if (requireToNormalize) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(input.length()); sb.append(root); return new Result(type, root, normalize(sb, input, off)); } else { return new Result(type, root, input); }}其中line60调用了normalize方法。
parse方法入参input即上文中提到的途径,方法通过多个if语句来判断途径类型,并初始化off偏移量。(我们常见的途径无非是相对途径、绝对途径,Java在sun.nio.fs.WindowsPathType中枚举出了Windows系统下所有的途径格式,Windows文件途径格式参考微软文档Windows 系统中的文件途径格式 | Microsoft Learn)
public List<Path> getJarClassPath(Path file) throws IOException { Path parent = file.getParent(); try (JarFile jarFile = new JarFile(file.toFile())) { Manifest man = jarFile.getManifest(); if (man == null) return Collections.emptyList(); Attributes attr = man.getMainAttributes(); if (attr == null) return Collections.emptyList(); String path = attr.getValue(Attributes.Name.CLASS_PATH); if (path == null) return Collections.emptyList(); List<Path> list = new ArrayList<>(); for (StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(path); st.hasMoreTokens(); ) { String elt = st.nextToken(); Path f = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(elt); if (!f.isAbsolute() && parent != null) f = parent.resolve(f).toAbsolutePath(); list.add(f); } return list; }}line21中getPath方法中会调用上述parse方法,抛出异常。变量elt就是途径。
Class-Path属性的值全是以"file:/"开头,看来报错和这个jar包有关。查看Created-By属性,值为”IntelliJ IDEA“,那么问题来了:
a). 为什么Java应用会引入IDEA动态生成的jar包?
b). 以"file:/"开头的途径是不是有效途径?
<dependency> <groupId>com.sun</groupId> <artifactId>tools</artifactId> <version>1.8.0</version> <scope>system</scope> <systemPath>${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar</systemPath></dependency>我们回归问题实质,来看看JDK8下为什么不会报错。JDK11报错是在getJarClassPath中调用getPath抛出异常,我们直接来看JDK8的getJarClassPath方法:
public List<File> getJarClassPath(File var1) throws IOException { String var2 = var1.getParent(); JarFile var3 = new JarFile(var1); List var6; try { Manifest var4 = var3.getManifest(); if (var4 == null) { List var14 = Collections.emptyList(); return var14; } Attributes var5 = var4.getMainAttributes(); if (var5 != null) { String var15 = var5.getValue(Name.CLASS_PATH); if (var15 == null) { List var16 = Collections.emptyList(); return var16; } ArrayList var7 = new ArrayList(); StringTokenizer var8 = new StringTokenizer(var15); while(var8.hasMoreTokens()) { String var9 = var8.nextToken(); File var10 = var2 == null ? new File(var9) : new File(var2, var9); var7.add(var10); } ArrayList var17 = var7; return var17; } var6 = Collections.emptyList(); } finally { var3.close(); } return var6;}由于引入的是jar包,都是class字节码文件,所以源码不太好理解。总的来说,JDK8中代码整体流程和JDK11类似,也是通过jar包的文件途径获取manifest中的Class-Path属性,遍历Class-Path属性中的classPath生成classPath途径对应的File对象,我们直接定位到24行开端看,在24行中的while循环中,利用classPath途径生成File对象,将对象参与列表中,列表中寄存是File,看到这里是不是感觉有什么不对劲?查看该方法的签名,JDK8的方法返回List<File>,我们再看JDK11中的实现,JDK11中getJarClassPath方法返回List<Path>,差别出在这里。将String类型途径传入File类的构造器创建File对象,别说传"file:/foo",传个"FUCK"都没问题,只不过拿不到真实的文件,所以JDK8中不会呈现异常。 |